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Running Liwan as a Service

Liwan can be run as a service on most operating systems. This allows you to start Liwan automatically when your server boots and manage it using the system’s service manager. Systemd is the most common and is used by most modern Linux distributions. Another popular init system is OpenRC, which is used by Gentoo and Alpine Linux.

  1. Creating the service
    To run Liwan as a service using systemd, create a new service file in /etc/systemd/system/liwan.service with the following content:

    Description=Liwan Web Analytics
    # Replace `yourusername` with your username

    Replace yourusername with your username and adjust the paths to match your setup. To generate a configuration file, you can run liwan generate-config -o ~/.config/liwan/liwan.config.toml.

  2. Starting the service
    After creating the service file, reload the systemd daemon and start the service:

    Terminal window
    # Reload the systemd daemon
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    # Enable the service to start automatically on boot
    sudo systemctl enable liwan
    # Start the service
    sudo systemctl start liwan
  3. Checking the status
    You can now check the status of the service using systemctl status liwan and view the logs using journalctl -u liwan. If this is the first time you are running Liwan, you can find a link to set up your account in the logs.