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Tweaking DuckDB

DuckDB, the OLAP database embedded in DuckDB, is designed to be fast and efficient out of the box. However, there are a few settings that can be tweaked to improve performance or reduce memory usage. By default, DuckDB is configured to use up to 80% of the available memory on the system and all available CPU cores. This is usually a good default, but on resource-constrained systems or in certain workloads, it might be beneficial to change these limits.

Memory Limit

The memory limit of DuckDB can be set using the LIWAN_DUCKDB_MEMORY_LIMIT environment variable or duckdb.memory_limit in the configuration file. At an absolute minimum, DuckDB requires 128MB of memory per thread to function. For optimal performance, it is recommended to set the memory limit to around 5GB per thread. As a rule of thumb, try limiting the amount of threads first before reducing the memory limit.

Thread Limit

The number of threads DuckDB uses can be set using the LIWAN_DUCKDB_THREADS environment variable or duckdb.threads in the configuration file. By default, DuckDB uses all available CPU cores.

Disk Usage

For large queries that do not fit in memory, DuckDB can spill intermediate results to disk. In these cases, it’s recommended to use fast storage with and avoid network storage.